Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionYou don't use offline maps for example? Really? Seriously?
How do you navigate using your phone when there is no Internet signal?
Till today I had no idea you were talking of map editors. I was thinking
text editors.
I apologize for not providing examples of which editors store their data on
the sdcard, where I openly admit I may have accidentally not provided
enough data for others to understand the complexity of the problem set.
My goal, always, is to *seamlessly* port from any one phone to any other
phone, where by "seamless", I mean that I've (brilliantly) planned years
ahead (just as I do on Windows) for the certainty of porting all my data.
It has been widely stated that there are only three certainties in life:
a. Porting your data
b. The battery will eventually meet its charge-cycle-limit death, and,
c. Taxes (even on my free phone, I had to pay 10% California sales tax)
Unfortunately, my iPhone dies sooner than my Android due to the excessively
cheap batteries Apple puts into them; but at least the EU is forcing Apple
to no longer sell any iPhone that doesn't meet the bare-minimum battery
charge-cycle lifetime specs - which Apple barely meets with the iPhone 15.
Post by Carlos E.R.No, I do not use map editors on my phone, either.
Well, I hike a lot in the Santa Cruz Mountains, where I proved, long ago
how atrociously inaccurate the Open Street Maps are (which is too bad, as I
*love* the concept of open source topographic maps); so I have to do a
*lot* of map editing.
Lately, even though I've written many a tutorial on how to edit map data, I
generally use the free 1:24K geopdf USGS maps (which I understand are not
useful to people outside of the country). I've also shown people how to
navigate in every state & federal park in the USA with iOS & Android apps.
In addition, I have written many a tutorial on how to take any map PDF and
then georeference it such that it displays where you are on both iOS &
Android devices when you're nowhere near the Internet.
I've shown people how to draw a route and then how to follow that route,
where there are no street signs in the middle of the mountains out here
such that people are lost for days (due to the steep topography I guess).
It turns out that there is a *lot* of map editing to do when you're
actually using dead reckoning to get from point A to point B in mountains.
But it wasn't only map editors that I was thinking about.
It was all editors on Android that don't actually edit multimedia files.
Multimedia, as we covered separately, finds itself. :)
Post by Carlos E.R.I use map apps that view the map, not edit them.
Well, that's understandable, but even if you never *edit* the maps, you
still have to store offline maps *somewhere*, where, they're never small.
I pity people who don't have access to portable storage, and no, the cloud
is not the same thing (which those clueless Apple trolls can't fathom).
Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionAnother editor is Keepass2Android. There are plenty of Android editors.
Most (if not almost all) my private data is stored on the sd card.
I don't "edit" my password file on the phone.
Well, to be perfectly open, as always, I "usually" do the same as I strive
to only edit the passwords kdbx file on Windows, and then I only read it on
Android - but sometimes - rarely - but sometimes - I need to edit it too.
To continue to add value, I've found the most compatible Windows free
password editor to be KeepassXC (cross compatible with Mac, Win & Linux).
I've tested *all* of them though, every single one that was ever suggested
on both the Android & Windows newsgroups, where on Android, I found that
Keepass2Android appears to be the most cross compatible with KeepassXC:
Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionPost by Carlos E.R.And, my editor by default inserts photos inside the document file.
Photo editors are a different breed of app when it comes to "finding" their
files. I'm not sure *how* media is handled differently than, oh, say, text
files such as GPX files or PDF files or whatever - but there is some
"magic" on a phone that seems to find all media, no matter where it is.
So media (such as images & video) I think is a special case in this regard.
That is, even if you changed the volume name (aka volume label) of your sd
card, the image & video editors still seem to *find* the sd card files.
If those on this newsgroup can edify us as to why that magic only works for
media files, and not for, oh, say, text files (such as GPX files), please
elucidate why other formats (such as PDF, gpx, kml, etc.) aren't easily
Because "editor" to me is a text editor, and I was thinking of the one I
use, Libre Office Writer. Ok, a word processor. If I have to edit pure
plain text files they are just a few kilobytes in size.
Yeah. I agree. %EDITOR% means a *lot* of editors, as you can see from my
screenshots earlier today - where I must have hundreds of editors installed
(every single one of those editors I have tested, at least briefly, myself)
Note in that screenshot alone, you see editors of all these types:
In any one of those top-level editing categories, are more editors, e.g.,
just for Android editors alone, that are on Windows, I have tested these:
Arbitrarily, just the EXIF editors I've tested, are listed below:
I'm sure most people don't test as many editors as I test, don't you think?
For example, these are the free icon editors I test as I often make my
Android icons on Windows because it's easier to edit them on Windows.
Note that people who don't do anything won't know that when you make
shortcuts in Android to settings five levels deep, you need to give those
shortcuts an icon - which is where those free icon editors shine.
While most people might not edit EXIF or icons or APKs, most people find a
need to edit PostScript/PDF files, right? For that, I use these editors:
As you can see, I have tested so many %EDITORS% that I can't even count
them. For example, look at all the free screen recorders I've tested:
I could go on (and on) as the major task of any platform, is, I would
wager, $EDITING! - which is why the comp.editors folks were included.
When you port Android, using Windows tools, you want all of the Android
editors to find their files, when those files are stored on the sd card.
Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionPost by Carlos E.R.I can link to external photos, but then, as I use Linux, I would use
relative paths or symlinks.
I love your suggestion of symlinks, but as I painstakingly explained,
nobody yet has proposed a way to do it that I know of, for Android.
Your question is posted to the editors group, and to the windows group,
so I don't have to limit my thinking to Android.
Fair enough. I agree. I apologize. I certainly don't limit myself (e.g.,
you see me comment on how Apple always tries to fuck the customer and their
customer actually thinks it's a good thing when Apple doesn't even give
them the choice of an sd card slot). So I apologize for saying what I did.
You are welcome to carry the conversation in any way you feel is
appropriate to the topic and to the newsgroups that are in on the convo.
Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionIf you can get symlinks to work on the sdcard for Android, you'd be a far
more intelligent man than I am, so I'll patiently await how you do it.
Post by Carlos E.R.Also I *never* edit a file residing in flash storage. I edit in main
storage in the computer, then copy the result over to flash media if needed.
Hmm... how do you edit GPX or KML files?
I don't.
I thought you were talking of text files.
See above. I have, oh, I can't even count how many... let's just say
"hundreds" of editors - and that's only Windows that I listed above.
I've also tested every free editor ever suggested on the Android ng.
And on the iPhone newsgroup too - although - in a way - Apple makes that
easy because almost nothing useful on the iOS platform is actually free.
Funny point about Apple: The Apple mothership tracks you *more* than even
Google does, where, for example, your AppleID is inserted into every IPA
you install on an iOS device! So you're *purchasing" even a *free* IPA!
That way Apple can track everything you do with that IPA.
Google can't do that with APKs. Windows can't do it with EXE's.
Only Apple does that sinister tracking of everything you edit with.
Sigh. (What bothers me isn't Apple but people *believing* their lies!)
Post by Carlos E.R.Post by MarionDo you copy them from the sd storage to main storage just to edit them?
Because the wear in flash cards is limited, and using an editor in such
media stresses them.
Hmm... I get what you are saying, but I've never worried about the wear of
sdcards. I'm sure it happens. But how much does it happen? I don't know.
Anything I don't know, I look up, so here's what I found just now.
Factors influencing SD card wear:
a. Frequency of writes
b. Amount of data written
c. Quality of the card
d. Wear leveling
e. Environmental factors (e.g., temperature & physical damage)
That having been said, this guesstimates about a 10-year life for sdcards:
Interestingly, one recommendation that article above makes is:
f. Avoid filling it to capacity
Interesting value added, is it not?
Thanks for bringing up the type of editors being important, as I learned a
lot simply by responding to your valid concerns. Much appreciated!