Post by AndrewWhat exists is "Google Play Console" and "Google Play Developer API".
Can the OP kindly pick one of the results of that search and let us know
which of the two concepts the OP is asking his question about above?
Moving forward, given I generally read up on every OP's question, I read a
bit and it seems that "developers" use the "Google Play Console" to upload
APKs to the Google Play Store Repository.
In the past, I wrote a dozen tutorials for people to use ADB to publish
their own apps to their own phone, so I had no need myself, for this tool.
*Tutorial: How to publish an Android App on the Google Play Store*
I think what the OP is asking is whether there is a non-Google tool that
publishes to the Google Play Store Repository - which may exist - or not.
*How to publish an APK to google play store WITHOUT google play console*
This finds Google's advice, which might not always be comprehensive:
*Publish your app*
Another hit was this method of publishing a "private" app on the Google
Play Store Repository, but I realize the OP is not asking about that.
*Manage private Android apps in Google Play*
Notice though, that the Google Play Console does not appear to be needed.
"To upload and publish private apps in the Admin console,
you only need an Android application package (APK) and a title."
But you do need an account on something called the Google Admin Console.
*Sign in to your Admin console,*
Of course, the OP isn't the first person to ask this question.
*How can I "publish" an Android game without Google Play?*
Which basically says you can publish it anywhere you like.
For the OP, here are some hits on XDA for the topic at hand.
*google play console*
Hope this helps, and for those lurking, hope we all learn something new.