2024-09-04 15:42:27 UTC
If I get another phone of the same make and model (in this case a Moto g5
Plus), can I just move the SIM card to the new phone and continue on?
The IMEI for the phones is different. Some lock to the IMEI of thePlus), can I just move the SIM card to the new phone and continue on?
phone, not to the SIM card. Check with your cellular provider. They
should know how they track an account. Tell them which make and model
of phones you have, and if they are SIM card or cardless (eSIM).
I just moved over the card (sometimes with a size change), then moved
the data.
asked them about moving the SIM card from my old phone to a new phone
that I might get later. They said No, that I couldn't just move over
the SIM card to the new phone. I had to buy another SIM card from them
(~$5 USD) for the new phone, and register it with them which is when
they link the new phone's IMEI with their SIM card's ID. I remember
having to get a new SIM card from them before when I got a new phone
(now my current/old phone). During the registration process to grant
access to their service, they ask for the IMEI of the phone in which I
use their SIM card. They link IMEI + ICCID to my account.
Getting your cellular carrier to track your phone on your behalf
requires jumping through a lot of hoops proving you're the owner of the
phone and account, and may even require a court order. They don't have
to jump through any loops to link IMEI to SIM ID (aka ICCID), but
they'll make you jump. You can ask the police since the mobile carriers
will work with them, but obviously the police get involved in criminal
situations, not because you lost your phone, or it was stolen.
While most phones will show the IMEI somewhere under Settings -> About
phone -> SIM [Status|Card], not all will show you the SIM card's ID aka
ICCID (Integrated Circuit Identification number), a 18-22 digit number
usually printed on the SIM card. On some phones, you can dial *#06# to
get IMEI, MEID, ICCD, MSISDN, and serial number. On my ancient phone
(c.2016, Android 8), just the IMEI is returned.
Because the ICCID is unique to every SIM card, mobile carriers can
simply track accounts to the ICCID, and not bother with the IMEI, yes,
you should be able to simply move the old SIM card to a new phone. All
depends on how a mobile carrier tracks which IDs in an account to
determine if you can access their services.