In, on Fri, 3 Jan 2025 13:38:34 +0000, Andy Burns
Post by Andy BurnsPost by mickyWhen someone unknowingly sends a text to a landline, does he get some
indication back that the text did not reach the destination, because it
can't receive texts?
Here in the UK, text messages *can* be delivered to landlines, either to
text-capable phones using an extension of the caller-ID delivery
mechanism, or via a robot voice ... don't you have similar over there?
I don't know. I don't think so. For several years I have beeen the
contact person for the people who plow (plough?) our streets when it
snows. I saw the contract yesterday and it has my landline first, and
my cell number. I'm still living in the 1950's and I envisioned them
calling me on the phone, but now I see they send texts. I got one on
the cell a year ago and another yesterday. I've never gotten any
message from them on my landline, so I wonder if they tried and realized
it wasn't accepting texts and they switched to the other number. --- A
couple weeks ago they came out and salted the roads(not straight salt
but some better concoction) and then it didn't snow at all, but they
charged us 2000 dollars. Because of details in our favor in the
contract, we are refusing to pay. I'm trying to prevent a second
I googled your question and so-called AI says "Yes, US landlines can
accept text messages, but they are not designed to do so by default:
How it works
To receive texts, you need to set up your landline with a text to
landline service. When you send a text to a landline, the service
records your message in a female voice and calls the recipient's phone.
If the recipient answers, they can choose to accept the message. If the
call goes to voicemail, the recording is delivered there."
I use Verizon landline but it's VOIP. VErizon is a very big company
Hmmm. This came up just a couple nights ago also. I'm been sick and
wanted my food delivered. I set that up during the pandemic, and it
worked, but now it's changed and wants to send me a code and it only has
my landline, so I get no code. I can't change the phone number, because
they want to send a text to the original number telling me I'm changing
it. LOL Maybe if I can set up text to landline, I won't have to open
a new account.
OTOH, heres a message from last April:
I'm trying to log in into my account. I had this phone number linked to
my account back in the 2017 or 2018 when I first made it and I could
receive a call. Now I don't know why they removed this option. I just
want to log in back to my account to reset my PIN because I'm receiving
an error message.
Microsoft answers "Landlines are not eligible for verification codes.
The landline is also a landline phone, which can only make and receive
calls, and does not have the function of sending and receiving text
messages." So you seem to know more than they do!
One VErizon page which doesn't say if it's talking about true landline
or voip / FIOS landline says it can be set up and will cost me 25 cents
for each text I get, and I w9ll probably get spam The page also has no
date . How can a responsible company print date dependent information
and not give the date ? I don't know but i see it often .
Trying to find how to allow texts to a Verizion FIOS line has been
suprisingly unsuccessful.