Post by croyMy recent model Android phone usually names photos with a date time, like
"20250126_115743", but there was one photo in a series that when I sent it
"mrousavy-5722737825195822912.jpg". The photo displays fine, and even the
exif info looks good, so I'm able to rename it and keep things logical.
I have no idea what happened here... anybody?
Look in the metadata (media information) of the image file. The Title
field in the metadata can be different than the filename.
Some programs will show the Title metadata in their titlebar instead of
the filename. For example, I had to change VLC's "change title
according to current media" advanced option from blank (which shows the
Title from metadata) to $u to show the filename. $f would show the path
and filename. I want VLC to show me the file being viewed, not some
metadata inside the file.
Does "send via e-mail" mean you attached the image file to an e-mail?
Look in the raw source of the e-mail to look at the MIME delimiter line
for where the attachment was placed into the message. All attachments
(whether disposition inline or attached) embedded into a message are
long encoded text strings with MIME delimiters.
You did not mention which e-mail client you used to send or receive the
attached image file. Outlook has always sucked for looking at the raw
source of e-mails. When using its View Source option, you see only part
of the body. The MIME parts are missing. If you open the message in
its own window (double-click on it) and use File -> Info -> Properties,
you can only see the Internet headers, and none of the body. In the
past, I used Pocketknife Peek to see the actual raw source of an e-mail,
but its last update was back in 2013, and the author abandoned it
without ever modifying it to support 64-bit versions of Outlook. Other
e-mail clients are far superior for looking at the ENTIRE raw source of
an e-mail. For now, I use the webmail client to view source which
includes headers and body.
The MIME delimiter will look something like:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="DCSNSFRVBCV.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment
The boundary line is also identified in a header. The name attribute is
a hint only to what the receiving client should call the file when the
user requests to extract the MIME part from the e-mail; however, the
user can specify whatever path and filename they want on the extract.
content-disposition is another hint as to whether the receiving client
should present the attachment inside the body of the message, or as a
link to the attachment, like a list or icon. Following is a blank line
followed by the long encoded text string. ALL e-mail gets sent as text
whether it was written in plain text, HTML, or contains binary content.
You could check the name attribute in the MIME block to see what was
specified at the time the file was inserted (attached) to the e-mail,
but that won't tell you what you might have specified differently on
extraction. The name attribute will be what you specified as the value
when you attached the file, or what the sending mail client used if you
didn't specify a filename (like the origin of the file you selected from
a browse list).